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热门搜索: 教程 小学 初中 高中 英语 语文


Have fun with TV programmes

已经有次观看 姜艳飞2014-12-02发布
年级:三年级 标签: programmes  TV 
地区:镇江市|丹阳市|    学校:丹阳市实验学校
简介:  This is the fifth lesson of the unit. Students have learned different types of TV programmes, and in this lesson, by studying the interviews with Anita, Philip and Sam about their TV viewing habits, students will discuss what TV programmes they like and dislike. They also talk about how much time they spend on TV.


占领沙发 我坐板凳 我顶 强 喔? 呵呵 哈哈哈 耍鬼脸 奸笑 这是瞌睡片 -_-||| 错愕 惊讶 脸红 喜欢 大鬼脸
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